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Home News World Global Energy Industry Analysis and Trends

Global Energy Industry Analysis and Trends
added: 2007-03-30

The global energy industry has seen a paradigm shift in terms of reconciling the dynamics of finite oil resources, spiraling energy demand, and the complex geopolitical currents within which oil and gas production strategies are determined.

Limited refinery capacities (82.8 mmbd in 2005 and 2025 demand projected at 115.5 mmbd), limited heavy crude processing capabilities, aging and limited number offshore rigs, new environmental regulations, blockbuster profits/cash reserves for oil companies, and technology hopes are fueling:

* Significant investments in conventional and unconventional energy sources (wind turbine energy revenue up is up 25% and non-hydro renewable technologies on track to be six percent of the world's power generation by 2030);
* New equity investors;
* Larger integration/consolidation of the day-to-day business of upstream companies, as well as those seeking to gain access to a specific area.

Around the world, energy and utilities companies face less state control and are slowly moving towards a free market. In the energy sector this process has taken shape; the waste-disposal industry is in a transition phase, and water companies are just at the dawn of this maturation. The strain caused by this transformation is enormous and affects all areas: finance, performance, administrative regulations, tax, and marketing and information technology. Within a short time companies are preparing themselves for a worldwide market because a decontrolled utility market is a global game.

The rapidly increasing energy consumption level in the developing world is going to be the key growth driver for the global energy market. Energy demand in the developing countries of Asia, which includes China and India, is expected to increase by more than 100% by 2025. The industrialized world is expected to register a much slower growth rate of energy consumption due to its more mature market and energy-efficient industrial operations.

Source: Business Wire

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