Online, the Indian government declared 2007 the "Year of Broadband," setting a goal of 20 million broadband users in 2010. However, according to the new India Online Overview report, eMarketer expects India to reach 10.5 million broadband households, or just over one-half the target, by 2011.

eMarketer also estimates that 25.5 million Indians used the Internet at least once a month in 2006 and expects India's online population to reach 33.2 million in 2007 and 71.6 million by 2011.

With just 2.3% of its citizens online in 2006 and 2.9% projected for 2007, India's Internet penetration is the lowest in the Asia-Pacific region.

India is often compared to China, but the number of Indians online is more comparable to Australia, a country with just 2% of India's population.
Nevertheless, according to comScore, India is the world's eighth-largest Internet population and its potential for growth is practically limitless.