"Today's launch signals to the world that Yahoo! Go is ready for primetime. With the tremendous consumer response to date we believe that Yahoo! Go will be a catalyst for broader adoption of the mobile Internet," said Marco Boerries, executive vice president, Connected Life Division, Yahoo!. "People want easy access to the Internet on their mobile phones, and Yahoo! Go 2.0 offers content, access and answers wherever you are."
Significant enhancements as Yahoo! Go 2.0 goes into General Availability in the US
The new version of Yahoo! Go 2.0 launches on Friday and will be available for more than 200 different mobile phones in the US by the end of July, expanding to more than 400 by end of year. It will also be pre-loaded on new devices from Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, LG and HTC that begin rolling out later this year.
The new version of Yahoo! Go 2.0 makes it even faster and easier for consumers to enjoy the Internet on their mobile phone. Enhancements include:

Localized versions to launch in 13 countries across Asia, Europe and the Americas
Less than six months after initially launching Yahoo! Go 2.0, the service will launch to millions of additional consumers in 13 countries on Friday. Consumers in Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, Thailand and Vietnam will be able to download and enjoy localized beta versions of the service. At launch the new beta versions for these countries will have much of the functionality as the US version and are supported by more than 200 different mobile phones by the end of July and that will expand to more than 400 by end of year.