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added: 13-05-2007

Although slow technological development and lack of end-user perception pose major challenges, industrial UPS markets across the world offer good potential for growth, especially with rising investments in oil and gas (O&G), power and certain process and discrete manufacturing industries.

added: 13-05-2007

Mobile phone connections in India will reach 600 million in five years time as handsets and tariffs become more affordable for the urban population, according to a new study published by the Centre for Telecoms Research (CTR), London.

added: 12-05-2007

JupiterResearch projects that the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony market will top 25 million US households by 2012, driven by greater broadband subscribership and the expansion by cable operators into new markets.

added: 12-05-2007

According to a global research study conducted by Microsoft Corp. and research firm Screen Digest, more than 60 percent of consumers in seven benchmark developed countries would consider switching TV service providers to obtain the features and content they want, at current market prices or higher.

added: 11-05-2007

The global online recruitment industry is growing. Online recruitment has become one of the most successful commercial applications on the Internet.

added: 11-05-2007

A recent survey of financial executives revealed that companies today are largely adopting finance and accounting outsourcing not for cost savings, as many had done in the past, but to transform the F&A function from a resource and cost intensive support process to an integrated flexible function able to quickly respond to changing business needs.

added: 11-05-2007

Spain has made significant progress over the past decade in improving employment prospects of young people, but there is still much to be done to improve the regulations that affect young people’s chances of finding jobs, according to a new OECD report.

added: 10-05-2007

The latest composite leading indicators (CLIs) suggest that some moderation in economic expansion lies ahead in the OECD area. Although March 2007 data show slightly improved performance in the CLI’s six month rate of change in the United States, United Kingdom and Italy, a downward trend is still apparent in most of the Major Seven economies. The latest data for major OECD non-member economies point to accelerating expansion in China, steady expansion in India and Brazil, but a weaker outlook for Russia.

added: 10-05-2007

The standardised unemployment rate for the OECD area was 5.6% in March 2007, the same as the previous month but 0.6 percentage point lower than a year earlier.

added: 10-05-2007

For many organizations, the impact and benefits of Web 2.0 or social media sites on their businesses are still unknown; this according to a recent survey of U.S. IT and business decision makers conducted by Clearswift.

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